Adoptable Dogs

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Ahoy me hearties!!!!!! It is I, Serena the land lubber. Aye, aye!!!! I am the one eye pirate looking for a loyal matey to serve as my right hand man. We will sail under the Jolly Roger to new lands to find loots of tennis balls, raid trails and sniff new tails, bask on top of our soft pillows under the night stars. The rougher the seas, the smoother we sail. Ahoy! We have one another to keep company and to cuddle through the long long nights. I shall share my grub in the captains quarters, fancying the taste of sweet meats of bologna from a new world called Oscar Meyers, Fresh Pets from the land of Pennsylvania, and the tastiest chickens from the villages of HEB. After our formal meals, I prefer to use the head outside in the vast open green sea of grass. Nothing makes me wag my tail as fast as the booty I find on our treasure hunts which I will happily share with my best matey. As the delicious Captain Morgan once said "To life, love and loot." Pirate Serena of the Spaniel Ship TaillyWag Darling Serena is one of the cutest little winkers we've ever seen, so we like to humor her pirate fantasies. She's a furever puppy at 9 years old. Unfortunately, she's got those ickie heartworms, but she will be treated at CSRA/SA expense. Interested in adoption? our adoptions require an approved application which you can find at Already approved applicants can email us at with their interest.
Adult, Female, Small