by Rebecca P.
I was babysitting for Koe while his regular foster family was out of town. When he came to us on Sunday, he was a was a happy-go-lucky, tail wagging, booty bumping guy – but the next day was a very different story…

Monday: We awaken at 6 am – he has been silent vomiting overnight and there is vomit everywhere. We’re able to get him in for an urgent care appointment at 1 pm ($75 office visit) where he receives a cerenia injection, x-rays, prebiotic, etc. A stomach bug is suspected. When we arrive home and take him out of the backseat, he has a 2.5 minute long seizure. We go back to the vet for bloodwork which shows a bladder infection. After a 5 hours at the vet and $500, Koe continues to throw up.
Tuesday: Koe has an empty stomach because we have been fasting him – but he is still throwing up water. He starts to tremble, I’m worried now so I take him to the veterinary ER and spend 8‐11 pm there. They recommend more x-rays because they suspect a possible obstruction, but nothing is found so they advise against exploratory surgery. More bloodwork shows low electrolytes and dehydration. He needs overnight potassium and fluids… more fasting. $1200 for this visit.
Wednesday: At 7:30am, with IV bag in tow, foster dad drives around and runs errands while waiting for the vet to open. Additional x-rays are still inconclusive, he has more bloodwork and then a barium test. The barium gets stuck in the lower 3rd quadrant of his intestines — he has a definite blockage and is admitted for exploratory surgery. Surprise! It’s a small ankle sock. $3k (likely) later.

Koe was lucky that we had sufficient funds on hand that allowed us to do what we needed to do to help him through his crisis. Your generous donations to our annual fundraisers like the Big Match give us the ability to respond to emergency situations like Koe’s and the many other life-threatening situations we face yearly. Your kindness and care have given him a second chance at a good life and he has since been adopted to a loving forever home! Go, Koe!
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